Lulu Lockjaw

Monday, March 9, 2009

Santa Cruz Rollergirls Allstars VS LA Derby Dolls Sirens

Come see our first bout of our second season!!!

I am really nervous. I feel like I am physically ready, but not sure I am mentally prepared! The last month of practice, we've really been working on plays and strategy, which has made me more confident than ever in our team, but, I continue to second guess myself! Also, I am jamming this game, not sure how much, but just once makes me tense up with anxiety! At least with blocking, you don't have 4 girls gunning for you. Being a jammer is scary, girls want to KILL you! I was told that being nervous is a good thing, that I can use that energy to my advantage!

Anyways, nervousness, excitement, anxiety, no sleep, poor appetite, thats going to be me for the next 5 days!

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